A line of boilers, ranging from 300,000-850,000 Btuh, are condensing, lightweight commercial hydronic boilers with ultra-low emissions of CO and NOx. They feature a high-quality, full stainless heat exchanger suitable for hydronic heating.
Demand in the United States for HVAC equipment is projected to increase 5.1 percent annually to $16.8 billion in 2015, according to a study that came out in November titled HVAC Equipment from The Freedonia Group Inc., a Cleveland-based industry market research firm.
Instant water heaters, high-tech boilers, and steam solutions are just a few examples of wet heat technology. Here are a few products in that segment that might be of interest to the HVACR contractor.
This article takes a look at three special projects that involved hydronic heating and how each contractor solved his client’s problem by choosing the proper design and equipment for each job — and how these jobs may give other HVAC contractors some insight into how they can sell wet heat to their own clients.
HVAC contractors have many choices of hydronic heating equipment, and these are a few examples of how knowledge of wet heat technology can make the selling job a little easier.
The NEWS reports on new products found by our editors at the recent AHR Expo in Chicago. Products are listed in alphabetical order within each category.
Years ago, in some dank basement, a contractor installed a large air vent near the end of a steam main. Why did he do that and what happened? Read to find out.
Prior to last winter, a 37-year-old, 250-horsepower boiler provided heat to The Lauren, a 168-unit condominium in Washington, D.C. What provides heat now?
Inspection of tubes up to 4 inches inner diameter in any shape or material can be achieved for boilers, fin fans, and other heat exchangers with the Dolphin G3™. Achieving speed as fast as 10 seconds per tube, the tool features patented acoustic pulse reflectometry (APR) technology.
The new modulating or stage-fire Versa IC™ boiler control fully integrates temperature control, ignition, safety, and individual fault monitoring. The control is field-upgradable.