Here are additional new products that The NEWS’ editorial staff found at the AHR Expo. Due to an internal error, these products were not included in The NEWS’ AHR Expo Post-Show Issue.
Honeywell has announced an $18.8 million energy conservation and building modernization program with the Yonkers Housing Authority that will help improve its facilities, energy efficiency, and resident comfort and save an estimated $1.4 million in annual utility costs. It will also create opportunities for local subcontractors.
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) first made its way into the world of venting systems in the residential market. Recently, CPVC has been used to vent Category IV high-efficiency boilers. While it can cost up to 20 percent less than stainless steel, those specifying venting systems should consider other differences that may impact boiler efficiency and present potential safety hazards.