The Modular Silicon Expansion Valve (MSEV) from DunAn Microstaq (DMQ) is a fast-responding electronic expansion valve that can be used in a variety of refrigeration applications, including display cases, freezers, and walk-in and reach-in coolers.
This case study documents one year of operating experience with a transcritical carbon dioxide (TC CO2) booster refrigeration system at Delhaize America’s Hannaford supermarket location in Turner, Maine. This store, which began operation in June 2013, is the first supermarket installation in the U.S. of a TC CO2 booster refrigeration system.
“Refrigeration = boring.” That’s what a friend emailed back to me when I told her that I had become the refrigeration editor of The ACHR NEWS. I had to laugh because most people really don’t understand the myriad ways in which refrigeration is important to their lives.
The first United States ice rink to use CO2 refrigeration is benefiting from lower operational costs and reduced environmental impact just two months after opening.
Evapcold is a factory-assembled, low-charge ammonia refrigeration system that requires 2.5-3 pounds of ammonia per ton of refrigeration for an entire system.
Installing all the refrigeration and freezer cases, walk-in freezers and coolers, food preparation stations, piping, compressors, and controls that a modern grocery store requires was no easy task in a 107-year-old building.
The EPA announced it’s increasing the options for refrigerants used in various types of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment in the U.S. to offer alternatives with low global warming potential.
Azane Inc. announced that Derek Hamilton, business development manager, has been invited to host a workshop on “Low Charge Ammonia Technology” at the 2015 International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) Industrial Refrigeration Conference & Exhibition.
The global market for refrigerated display cases is forecast to reach $11.4 billion by 2020, spurred by the rising importance of visual merchandising as a cost effective way to boost retail sales, according to a new report by Global Industry Analysts Inc.