About a month before the AHR Expo, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicated it would permit the industry to produce and import 39 million pounds of virgin HCFC-22 in 2013, down from 55 million pounds in 2012.
We are going to look at issues related to a partially restricted filter/drier. For this purpose I have included a service checklist as well as a number of illustrations.
Self-contained, ducted, and ductless systems specifically designed for cooling wine cellars are available. Depending on the model, units can be mounted in a living area, wall mounted, installed on the wall near the ceiling or in the ceiling joists, and more.
While much of the buzz at the AHR Expo was on dwindling supplies of new HCFC-22, reclamation of that refrigerant, and use of alternative HFCs in retrofits, a number of conversations centered on alternatives beyond familiar HFCs.
Gone are the days of the three basic refrigerants: R-12, R-22, and R-502. Today’s technicians need to be well-educated on all of the refrigerants they encounter.
With the impending phaseout of R-22 looming, the price and availability of the product will soon make it impractical to use. With virtually tens of millions of R-22-designed a/c systems in operation, refrigerant users and equipment owners will need to employ a number of alternative options to satisfy their cooling needs.
HC refrigerants have an A3 safety rating, meaning there are flammability issues. Even so, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officially gave Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) approval to R-290 (propane), R-600a (isobutene), and R-441A (a blend marketed by ComStar International as HCR 188c).
Bitzer U.S. Inc. launched new products at the Refrigeration Engineers Technicians Association (RETA) show in San Antonio this past November. The company announced it was assembling ammonia packages ranging from simple motor-compressor combinations on rails up to complete rotary screw compressor packages.
Honeywell has announced the availability of an HFO refrigerant, which it trademarks as Solstice™ L-41 low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant, designed as a lower GWP alternative to R-410A.
This past fall, the automobile manufacturer Daimler came out saying it was holding off using HFO-1234yf for auto air conditioning even though a directive from the European Union was calling for moving away from HFC-134a. Some saw that as a question about how much traction HFOs were getting as long-term alternatives to HFCs.