CFCs were once considered a triumph of modern chemistry. Stable and versatile, these chemicals were used in hundreds of products, from military systems to the ubiquitous can of hairspray.
While troubleshooting and repairing refrigeration systems, a common problem is a starved evaporator, meaning not enough refrigerant is entering the evaporator for the heat load placed on it.
A total of 328,963 cinder blocks, 22,000 cubic yards of concrete, 5,000 tons of steel, 25 miles of total piping, 3,000 lineal feet of refrigeration pipe, 7 acres of roofing, and…
Chillers, much like the rest of the HVAC world, have seen a push to increase operational efficiency. These increasingly energy-efficient products, along with the need to replace aged units, have steadily driven growth in the chiller market. In fact, the global chiller market is projected to reach $11.33 billion by 2022.
Well, that didn’t take long. New U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum imports went into effect at the end of March, and many manufacturers are already raising prices on equipment.
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory have designed and built an advanced model system that successfully uses very small quantities of magnetocaloric materials to achieve refrigeration-level cooling.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently adopted a regulation that would prohibit the use of HFC refrigerants, claiming that the chemicals trap heat in the atmosphere at a rate thousands of times that of carbon dioxide.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued guidance stating that it plans to abide by the recent court decision that ruled EPA is not authorized to ban HFC refrigerants under the Clean Air Act.
When dealing with refrigeration or air conditioning compressors that employ an oil pump, many service technicians confuse net oil pressure with oil pump discharge pressure.