Even though mold remediation could potentially open a new revenue stream for HVAC contractors, some believe their peers don’t take mold nearly seriously enough.
The DryCool Dehumidification System is designed around the basic Munters desiccant dehumidification module consisting of the active desiccant wheel, a reactivation heat source, and supply and reactivation fans.
Enhancements have been made to the whole-home dehumidifier product line, which will provide more practical applications and product accessibility, as well as more flexible and simplified installation, the company said.
STULZ Air Technology Systems Inc. has announced a new agreement with Culligan Matrix Solutions®, Rosemont, Ill., a division of Culligan International Co. The agreement makes Culligan the single-source provider for all water treatment products and services provided with STULZ ultrasonic humidification systems.
The NEWS was very busy at the AHR Expo in New York City, visiting as many booths as possible in search of new products. Below is a comprehensive list of all the IAQ and ventilation products we found on the show floor.