There are many applications where additional airflow would make an area more comfortable. In most cases, insufficient airflow is not caused by a lack of air handler cfm. What is the prime culprit?
An option for an integral air-cooled packaged DX cooling system specifically for kitchen applications is available on the company’s high-performing make-up air units.
Poor ventilation compromises the highest efficiency system, but the winning equipment in The NEWS’ eighth annual Dealer Design Awards’ Ventilation Products category showed up to show the ventilation world how complete efficiency is done.
State Automatic Heating & Cooling fabricates plenty of ductwork in its sheet metal shop, but when it came time for heating the shop to improve employee comfort and productivity, the owners chose a fabric air distribution system instead of spiral metal duct.
All homes breathe during the extreme weather conditions of the region. When outdoor temperatures are low and the wind is blowing, most homes get enough fresh air to be “healthy.” However, it is more accidental than controlled. Here are some guidelines for helping customers achieve the kind of IAQ they want, in a controlled way.
Steve Lauten, president of Total Air & Heat in the suburban Dallas area, seems to focus the company primarily on energy conservation measures such as home efficiency and energy conservation. But intertwined with the company’s systems-based approach is a belief that good IAQ must be part of the result.
Tall ceilings can be both a builder’s dream and an HVAC contractor’s nightmare. The introduction of air movement by means of large-diameter, low-speed fans can provide the necessary comfort, further optimize HVAC system effectiveness, and save money on both energy use and building supplies.
Here are additional new products that The NEWS’ editorial staff found at the AHR Expo. Due to an internal error, these products were not included in The NEWS’ AHR Expo Post-Show Issue.
The newest product innovation in the ventilation industry - the modular/field-adjustable (M/FA) fabric duct/diffuser system - promises air distribution installation time reductions of as much as 40 to 80 percent and 15 to 50 percent less material costs, depending on marketplace geography.