Starting in 2025, most new comfort cooling systems will use lower-GWP, mildly flammable refrigerants, which include a safety feature called the refrigerant detection system (RDS), which detects leaks and can be factory or field installed.
Since A2L refrigerants are designated as mildly flammable, safety features like refrigerant detection systems (RDSs) are being incorporated into new residential/light commercial ducted split systems that contain more than 4 pounds of A2L refrigerant. Here’s what HVAC technicians need to know about installing those RDS in the field.
RDSs are generally required in A2L systems that contain more than 4 pounds of refrigerant and can either be field or factory-installed, depending on the manufacturer.
While servicing equipment, technicians should be on the lookout for sources of potential future leaks, as well as follow good service practices to prevent creating leaks.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), accidental CO poisoning is the cause of approximately 50,000 emergency room visits and more than 400 deaths each year in the U.S.