DENSO Corp. (Tokyo) appointed Shinro Iwatsuki, Oyuki Ogawa, Mitsuharu Kato, Mineo Hanai, and Hiromi Tokuda as new directors of the board. Publication date: 07/17/2006
The Building and Fire Code Academy (BFCA) will hold its Understanding the 2003 International Residential Code-Mechanical class on Aug. 31. For more information, visit The Indoor Air Quality
FES Systems Inc. (York, Pa.) increased prices 4 percent on the GL screw compressor package series and oil coolers. It also increased prices 8 percent on control panels, both
Rheem Air Conditioning Division (Fort Smith, Ark.) promoted Angela Rinke to Internet marketing supervisor. Daikin AC (Americas) Inc. (Carrollton, Texas) named Tomonori Tomikawa (right) as vice president of administration,
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors National Association (PHCC) members now have access to a $500 General Motors incentive. The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) is offering a geothermal heat pump conference and
Nexstar Network® (White Bear Lake, Minn.) appointed Elizabeth Cavanaugh as director of finance. The DaCo Corp. (Comstock Park, Mich.) announced a 14-city tour of the Top Gun Survival School
Baltimore Aircoil Co. (Baltimore) appointed Kaye Flamm (right) as director of manufacturing systems; Kenneth Dow as chief of quality control; and Bruce Schehlein as director of materials, North America.