During the symposium, participants explored new opportunities in building integration strategy opened by developments in Internet building interface and sensor technology, experiments in community-scale building performance initiatives, and often-overlooked dynamics in building-grid management.
Highlights from 2014 include a year-over-year increase in the number of Hypertherm associates volunteering in the community, a decrease in emissions and landfill waste, and the expansion of the company’s on-site wellness facility.
The CHP Awards were presented to Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine; Pepco Energy Systems, Atlantic City, New Jersey; and Thermal Energy Corp. (TECO), Houston.
The agreement will support the accelerated global transition to new refrigerants brought on by the Montreal Protocol’s ozone layer protection targets by addressing challenges in soundly and safely managing refrigerants.
The home, located in the organization’s Faith Landing development in southwest Oklahoma City, represents an ongoing collaborative commitment between ClimateMaster and Habitat for Humanity to construct all homes in the region with geothermal heating and cooling systems.
The NEWS’ Extra Edition page is home to hundreds of online-exclusive service and maintenance, technical, and business-management articles. Here are some of the best.
The CCI is calculated based on a survey of the association’s contractor members, who are asked how positive they feel about new business prospects, existing business activity, and expected staffing decisions in the short-term future.
The state’s Renewable Energy Standard (RES) requires that at least 20 percent of electricity sales in Minnesota originate from renewable sources by 2020 and 25 percent by 2025.
Nest Labs Inc. announced sweeping refreshes and redesigns across the company’s entire product portfolio with the introduction of Nest Cam, the second-generation Nest Protect, new features for the Nest Learning Thermostat, and a brand new app.