The effective date of this rule is July 1, 2016. The final rule changes will be mandatory for representations of energy use or efficiency on or after November 28, 2016.
There are now 310 Better Buildings Challenge partners who are set to achieve goals of at least 20 percent energy reduction within 10 years. Together they represent 34,000 buildings and facilities, 4.2 billion square feet of commercial space, and $5.5 billion dollars in energy-efficiency investments.
The President’s “E” Award, now in its 54th year, is the highest recognition any U.S. entity can receive for making a significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports.
Phyn represents the next wave of the smart home and will create an intelligent water solution that protects family homes and businesses from leak damage, enables mindful conservation, and enhances household water usage with automated and anticipatory controls.
Rectorseal held the promotion last fall when it randomly concealed 25 redeemable Golden Tickets inside Aspen Pumps’ Mini White, Orange Mini, Orange Maxi, Aqua Mini, and Micro V Series condensate pump packaging distributed throughout its North American HVAC wholesalers.
DOE has rescheduled its public meeting regarding the notice of proposed rulemaking for portable air conditioners to Wednesday, July 20, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in Washington, District of Columbia.
DOE has determined that the comments received in response to the direct final rule do not provide a reasonable basis for withdrawing the direct final rule.