HVAC contractors and manufacturers recently gathered with builders, remodelers, public utility representatives, government officials, and more to discuss home performance at Affordable Comfort Inc.’s (ACI) National Home Performance Conference.
Clockwork Home Services, a Sarasota, Fla.-based franchising company, recently secured an advertising campaign through the AMC television network’s reality series, “The Pitch.” According to AMC, this series offers viewers a glimpse inside America’s top ad agencies as two agencies compete to win a new client’s contract.
“Been in the business 32 years. Push. Push. Push. It’s always been that way,” he said. “I don’t push,” I told him. “My people pull, and my business is thriving.”
Dealing with layoffs in tough economic times can be challenging. Layoffs can’t necessarily be based on seniority, as persons skilled in one aspect of the business can’t easily be shifted to an area out of their expertise. Added to that are the emotional ties that so many company owners in HVACR have with their employees.
Weldon Long was once a poverty-stricken drug addict caged behind bars with no hope. Today, just seven years removed from his last prison term, Long, 48, is a successful HVAC contractor, motivational speaker, author, and sales trainer. He built his empire on personal responsibility and proven sales tactics.
The U.S. Census Bureau is gearing up for the 2012 Economic Census and one of the topics it will be studying across the nation is franchising. In the meantime, HVAC contractors are left with a question, the answer to which could significantly change their businesses. “To franchise or not to franchise,” that is the question.
Not knowing what to expect, I stood at attention, braced myself, and saluted smartly. He quickly saluted back, looked me in the eyes, and reached over to shake my hand. “OK, Waldo, it’s a new day, new jet! Are you ready to pass this flight?"
The U.S. Energy Information Agency (EIA) predicts that during the May-through-September summer driving season this year, regular gasoline retail prices will average about $3.95 per gallon, peaking in May at a monthly average price of $4.01 per gallon.
You probably realize some of your customers are just plain nuts, and others will take a chance on dying if it means they can save a few bucks on a repair or installation. Then there are customers who somehow turn nuts after you’ve done the work for them.
According to contractors, consumers have been deluged with marketing messages touting the benefits of single-room space heaters as a way to cost-effectively heat a space using electricity instead of gas, propane, or fuel oil as the heating source.