Two new series of durable heat-cool and heat pump ptac’s (packaged terminal air conditioners) are quiet, energy efficient, and can be used in all facets of the hospitality industry, healthcare, and other institutional facilities.
The new compact, lightweight infrared temperature meter, Model STK-3020TL, with a meter case design and built-in laser pointer, can be conveniently operated with one hand.
The new lightweight, Model 471-3 digital thermo-anemometer takes air velocity and temperature readings with a telescoping, flexible, stainless steel tip.
The company now offers the Chevrolet Summit Silverado utility body with eight weatherproof, lockable storage compartments that are conveniently hidden within the bed of the truck.
The company has introduced a software program called the Performance Pay System™ (PPS), which allows air conditioning, refrigeration, and plumbing contractors to measure and compensate field employees for speed, accuracy, and performance.
The Automix 20 electronic temperature control with night setback is designed to actuate three- or four-way Termomix valves for radiant floor heating and new or retrofit radiator or fin-tube baseboard applications.