Advancements in aluminum passivation chemistry by the U.S. Navy have resulted in the development of a hex-chrome free conversion coating that is designed to add significant corrosion resistance to aluminum.
With fast approaching energy regulations and increased competitive pressures, reducing energy consumption has never been more important for building managers.
By using water only on peak days, adiabatic coolers/condensers can reduce water consumption to 20 percent of conventional water cooled systems and reduce peak energy demand versus dry systems.
It has long been recognized that design and installation faults have an impact on HVAC system capacity and efficiency. However, the magnitude and consequences of these fault impacts was unknown.
Learn about the HeatMaster TC combination high efficiency boiler and domestic water heater which utilizes Triangle Tube’s exclusive tank-in-tank technology along with their Firetube heat exchanger.
The first topic covered in this session will be HVAC systems. Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes, P.Eng., will discuss the components of an HVAC system, and how each component, when not operated correctly, can adversely affect IAQ in a building.