Expectations for 2017 have become less optimistic, but the majority of industrial and commercial construction contractors still expect growth this year, according to the latest Associated Builders and Contractors Inc. (ABC) Construction Confidence Index (CCI). Although all three diffusion indices in the survey — profit margins, sales, and staffing levels —fell by more than five points, they remain well above the threshold of 50, which signals that construction activity will continue to be one of the few significant drivers of economic growth.
ACCA has announced the installation of its 2017-18 board of directors and officers. The board was installed at the IE3 Show, which took place in Nashville, Tennessee, March 20-22. The new officers officially took their positions at the Big Bang Party on Wednesday, March 22.
Thomas Watson, a former ASHRAE president and retired chief engineer at Daikin Applied, recently received the Institute of Refrigeration’s (IOR) J&E Hall Gold Medal Award for his ground-breaking work to improve the efficiency of chillers and industrial heat pumps.
On Friday, March 17, ACCA sent a letter to Muriel Bowser, District of Columbia mayor, highlighting the importance and value that quality installation practices have on HVACR efficiencies.