Pearl Certification is thrilled to announce its recognition as a charter partner in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Energy Future initiative, specifically through the ENERGY STARⓇ Home Upgrade (ESHU) program.
The California Heat Pump Partnership brings together state agencies, manufacturers that represent more than 90% of the U.S. consumer heat-pump market, utilities, and other market actors to help achieve thestate's goal of having six million electric heat pumps installed in California by 2030.
The company is planning celebrations for its shareholders, associates, customers, and partners that will continue throughout the year, leading up to the official anniversary date of Tuesday, November 12.
The enhanced partnership is intended to bolster the commitments by both BDR and ServiceTitan to home services contractors, and offers customers convenient access to proven solutions.
As part of a partnership with Home Depot's Path to Pro program, StrataTech will provide the content designed to equip participants with the fundamental skills and knowledge for a career in professional welding or refrigeration.