WASHINGTON — The February 2018 not seasonally adjusted (NSA) national construction unemployment rate was 7.8 percent, down 1 percent from February 2017, and the lowest national February rate on record.
AUSTIN, Texas — Performance-based contractors took center stage in Austin, Texas, on March 5 as National Comfort Institute’s (NCI’s) Annual Summit Conference got underway.
ST. LOUIS — Nortek Air Solutions (NAS) was recently recognized for its contribution to HVAC/R research by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers’ (ASHRAE) Research Promotion (RP) Campaign.
PORT ORANGE, Florida - On April 11, Air One Heating and Cooling joined local contractors and Building Homes for Heroes at a Welcome Home ceremony in Port Orange, Florida for Army Sergeant Stephen Pyle. Johnson Controls donated a YORK® heating and cooling system and Air One provided installation services for the veteran’s new home.
RIVIERA BEACH, Florida – The RGF Environmental Group Inc. (RGF) team visited the White House by special invitation from President Donald Trump to discuss their success and RGF making America "even greater" again and the "Share the Wealth" bonus program.
PALM BEACH GARDENS, Florida — The UTC Center for Intelligent Buildings is a state-of-the-art innovation and technology experience center, modern and connected work space for 500 employees, and environmentally sustainable building designed to the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED® Platinum standards.
ARLINGTON, Virginia – The Air Conditioning Contractors of America Educational Institute Standards Task Team announced the release of the revised ANSI/ACCA 11 Manual Zr – 2018 (Residential Zoning).