The Ductless Directory is shifting its marketing strategy from one that is product-centric to one that makes the ductless contractor the star of the show. This change marks a new era that will help qualified contractors get the visibility and recognition they deserve.
A new initiative called the International Network for Women in Cooling has been launched to advance the engagement of women, promote career opportunities, and increase their overall participation in the sector.
For your information news briefs from a wide variety of categories within the HVAC industry. Price increases, mergers and acquisitions, award winners, and more are highlighted here each week.
CGNA announced the appointment of the company's new President, Sarah Monteleone, who succeeds Michael J. Sackett and will retain his role as CFO for the foreseeable future.
SGH has launched HGH Technical Training Center, a technical training facility and program designed to infuse a new class of workers into the skilled trades.
Berner announced that manufacturer representatives R. Williamson & Associates LLC and SRS Enterprises received the company's "Rep of the Year 2021" gold honors in the commission sales and buy/resell categories, respectively.