Alphabet Energy, a supplier of thermoelectrics for waste heat recovery, has announced the availability of its PowerModule™ as a standalone product. Now, any energy-intensive industry can custom design solutions to fit its unique needs and convert exhaust heat into electricity.
An international survey of more than 1,500 professionals shows that while most companies see the cost benefits of energy efficiency measures, the majority lack a clear strategy, concrete targets, and a systematic approach to energy efficiency throughout the organization.
The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) has filed comments in response to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) notice of proposed rulemaking (NOPR) on Energy Conservation Standards for Residential Furnaces.
The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® and LonMark International have announced two new standards for home and building automation. The organizations said these standards provide a mechanism to develop a higher level of device-to-device interoperability using any open control networking communication platform.
The New Buildings Institute (NBI) has announced a new, free tool to help building owners, managers, and contractors quickly evaluate the potential energy savings associated with various building retrofits.
The rise in energy prices and consumers’ focus on energy efficiency have compelled facility and home owners in North America to adopt energy-saving solutions, notes Frost & Sullivan. Suppliers are diversifying their portfolios with respect to system design and technology in order to remain competitive and meet their needs.
The bills would ensure that industrial energy efficiency technologies are treated in a manner that is on par with other renewables covered by the investment tax credit.
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