Steve O’Brien, senior vice president, president, and general manager of A.O. Smith's Lochinvar brand, will succeed Dave Warren, senior vice president, president, and general manager of the North America water heating division, when Warren retires April 1.
The transaction marks another step forward in Carrier’s portfolio transformation, further strengthening the company’s global leadership position in intelligent climate and energy solutions, the company said in a press release.
Carrier Global Corporation to work with Montana Technologies LLC to develop and commercialize Montana's transformational AirJoule dehumidification and cooling technology.
The Building Performance Institute has updated the standard to provide more flexibility to contractors while maintaining consistent and conservative savings estimations.
In addition to the aluminum hydroxide layer that formed on the surface, a second amorphous layer developed underneath it, which indicates there is a transport mechanism that diffuses oxygen into the substrate.
For your information news briefs from a wide variety of categories within the HVAC industry. Price increases, mergers and acquisitions, award winners, and more are highlighted here each week.
The increase on residential products will be by a blended average of 6%, the increase on light commercial products will be by a blended average of 8%, and the increase on commercial applied products will be by a blended average of 10%.