XOi Technologies, a provider of technician-focused technology solutions, has named Nashville-based technology and finance executive Brent Pearson to its board of directors.
Marcone announced that its HVAC division, Munch’s Supply, has acquired BellSimons, including its 29 branches and three distribution centers in seven states servicing the New England area.
P1 Service Group announced that it has partnered with Essig Plumbing & Heating of Reading, Pennsylvania, expanding its reach to the Mid-Atlantic region.
At the conclusion of this year's PHCC Educational Foundation annual Plumbing and HVAC Apprentice Contests, the company donated much of the materials used in the competitions to the Charlotte Region Habitat for Humanity organization.
DiversiTechCorp. announced the formation of DiversiTech Europe, via a merger with Artiplastic, Castel Engineering, and Rodigas, along with the existing DiversiTech/Pump House business.