Tarik Haque, an instructor of electrical engineering technology at Southeastern Community College (SCC) in Whiteville, NC, collaborated with representatives from Ebtron, Inc., to develop original system software for miniature Web servers.
Last year, more than 140 instructors from secondary and post-secondary hvacr programs from across the country met for the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute’s (ARI’s) Instructor Workshop. This year, the workshop is scheduled for March 14-15.
The 2001 Profit Platoon of the Year for AirTime 500 recently donated $10,000 in support of the armed forces deployed to Afghanistan and their families.
For the first time, the National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers (NAOHSM) will make a foray into New England to host its trade show, industry convention, and learning conference.
The Educational Foundation of the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) recently expanded its National Technician Certification (NTC) program to a total of nine certification categories.