The convenience of earning a college degree online has been a popular lure for many. For some, the convenience of obtaining a degree online immediately following high school or vocational school has been a natural progression. For others, using the Internet to start or complete a degree after being in the business world has opened up new opportunities.
HVACR businesses, whether they are manufacturers, distributors, or contractors, need to do a better job promoting HVACR as a career. At least that is the majority opinion of a group of 114 Ferris State University (FSU) HVACR program students who recently participated in a NEWS survey.
If economic times are an indicator, this year’s AHR Expo should see fewer attendees and exhibitors. Don’t bet on it. In fact, for HVACR contractors and distributors whose goal it is to survive in 2009, the AHR Expo is a must-see. The proof is in the pudding.
The other day I was planning to book an airline
ticket using my Northwest Airlines Award miles. I hadn’t used them in a few
years so I wasn’t aware of any new changes to award travel.
Bob Barnes, vice-president of Western Heating & Air of Boise, Idaho, takes energy efficiency and green technology very seriously. So seriously that his business has been given significant awards for its work in promoting clean and energy-efficient indoor environments.
Nikki Krueger felt it was time to learn more about green building. Rather than reading a book or browsing the Internet, the media relations manager of Aprilaire decided to get a real feel for green building certification standards so she completed a comprehensive training session and passed a verifier accreditation test.
Red-tagging is characterized by the installation of a red tag on a furnace, stating that it has been shut down and is dangerous to operate unless repaired or replaced. Questions are: Is this enough action to prevent the building owner from turning the furnace back on? And what other steps are necessary such as contacting the local utility company?
It is common to see a lot of HVACR businesses with the word “air” in the name, and there are many with “heating & cooling,” too. But are there other reasons behind business names? The NEWS wanted to know so we asked some of our contractor consultants to weigh in on the subject.
The Mobile Classroom of Sustainable Technologies, sometimes called the “big green trailer,” made its way through the capital of Michigan and surrounding areas as it continued its mission to educate consumers and HVACR tradespeople about the many green technologies available today.