In the eyes of Terry Burd, one unmistakably necessary ingredient to be successful in the residential new construction market is making sure one has enough of the green stuff. This total was enough for Air Flow Designs Inc. to earn second place on The NEWS' 2006 Residential All-Stars - New Construction team.
It is the Air Conditioning Contractors of America's (ACCA's) belief that the way contractors will thrive in the future, and avoid being commoditized, is to look at each system as a whole, not just a box with a specific rating.
As a contractor, you have an allegiance to the brand you sell and, for the most part, the manufacturer of that brand. Well, suppose one day that manufacturer came by and hired away your best employee.
Because product offerings are technologically evolving at an ever-increasing rate, this requires an ever-increasing level of education and product knowledge within the service and installation technician field. As a result, many manufacturers have realized the efficiencies and the ability to reach many more people through the use of Web-based training systems.
Who are the Fabulous Five for 2006? You determine that. For the past seven years, The NEWS has been honoring the best contractors in the business. Not just any contractors, mind you, but the best contractors to work for.
Because 2010 will be here sooner than one would like to think, officials at North American Technician Excellence (NATE) have recently revved up their plan to meet the independent certification body's ultimate goal of having 150,000 certified techs by the end of 2010.
Women in this field are too far and few between. This needs to change. How, though, may be the $64,000 question. Even the far-too-few females in this field struggle with supplying a single, solid solution.
In general, contractors do not brag. That may be why it can be difficult assembling The NEWS' annual top residential dealers in new construction and replacement/add-on. But if you strive to be the best, you should be included with the best.
Hurricane Katrina was one of the most destructive storms to hit the Gulf Coast in decades. Portable air conditioning units, as well as portable desiccant dehumidifiers and fans, have helped - and continue to help - the hardest-hit areas along the Gulf Coast to recover.
It threatens schools, homes, buildings, and hospitals. In short, mold is a growing problem nationwide. Even though it is not the definitive, guaranteed-to-resolve-everything solution, portable air-conditioning units certainly have the capabilities to prevent- or at least thwart - mold and mildew damage.