The DOE has recommended that Yucca Mountain in Nevada, a location approximately 90 miles from Las Vegas, be used as the nation’s nuclear waste site for the permanent burial of waste from nuclear power plants and weapons facilities.
The symposium “Methods and Effects of Improving Efficiency of Unitary Equipment to Meet New Energy Efficiency Requirements” discussed the cost and benefit tradeoffs of moving to 12 or 13 SEER equipment.
During the forum “Methods for Estimating Maintenance Costs,” it was noted that no original maintenance cost data have been surveyed since about 30 years ago.
President George W. Bush has ordered the Treasury, Commerce, and Labor Departments to look into the rules governing pension and 401(k) plans and recommend changes that would protect workers from losing their retirement savings in a corporate bankruptcy filing, similar to the collapse of Enron.
The Coalition for Fair Competition in Rural Markets has released a study which states that electricity co-ops are using taxpayer funds to subsidize their entry into other markets.
The News reported in the Dec. 24, 2001 issue that the Northern Illinois Chapter of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (NIACCA) won a battle in its long-standing fight against joint marketing by gas utilities and their affiliated companies (“NIACCA Gains Small Victory In Utility Battle,” page 12). Now, legislation may be on the way.
Two U.S. Senators announced joint hearings and the attorneys general of nine states from the Northeast stated they would challenge any attempt by the Bush administration to relax Clean Air Act rules for older coal-fired power plants.