New York Governor George E. Pataki (R) has announced that more than 20,000 older, inefficient room air conditioners in the state have been exchanged for Energy Star®-rated air conditioners, to maximize energy efficiency.
Runner-up in The News’ second annual “Best Hvacr Instructor” contest, Steven Flaherty encourages his students, “Every day you have to learn something new.”
A report from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) states that power outages and problems with power quality are costing the U.S. economy over $119 billion per year.
The new L Connection Network™ is a commercial control system featuring technologies such as remote monitoring, demand control ventilation, and advanced diagnostics.
The company’s new B-Vent single-wall flex connectors are designed for connecting gas appliances to a common B-vent flue in residential, light commercial, and light institutional installations.