The DM384 digital multimeter is a full-size unit with such high-end features as: min/max capture for unattended monitoring, capacitance for checking run/start capacitors, and frequency for quick verification of generators, inverters, and control circuit operation.
The InfraPro 4® laser-sighted infrared thermometer is a lightweight unit that features a 50:1 spot size ratio to measure the temperature of a 3-in.-dia target from 10 ft away.
These service mats and hall runners, with the “We Care” logo, help contractors protect the customer’s home from dirt and grime that may be caused from service work.
Type 111.11R refrigeration gauges are designed as replacement gauges on refrig-erant test manifolds that feature extra protection from vibration, ranges to 120 or 500 psi.
The company has introduced a new line of flake and nugget ice machines featuring a number of improvements that contribute to longer life and lower operating and maintenance costs.
The Sensaphone® SCADA 3000 integrated control system monitors and controls critical environmental and operating conditions essential to efficient hvacr operation.