The topic of the brochure “Connecting Critical Components” is the SAMPro and SAMPro.Net Rules-Based Management™ software, which can help you run your business the way you envisioned, states the company.
The Commerciant system enables field personnel to perform credit card transactions in seconds over the nation’s largest wireless networks, says the company.
Water conditions in steam boilers, heat exchangers, cooling towers, and chiller systems, as well as fountains, lagoons, swimming pools, and combustion efficiency applications can be monitored by the new Digital Dolphin chemical-free water treatment system.
The Chip Card System can be used to measure and read hot- or cold-water consumption, Btu in heating-cooling systems, oil consumption, gas consumption, etc.
According to the company, redesigning the line of 12-V, 14.4-V, and 18-V compact, cordless drill-drivers has made them shorter and better balanced, while adding extra power and durability.