One way the HVACR industry is doing its part to reduce greenhouse gases is the creation of more efficient heating and cooling equipment. Ways to do that were explored in a symposium held the day prior to the opening of the International Trade Fair for Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, and Ventilation (IKK).
A record 475 people with close ties to the supermarket refrigeration industry turned out for the 26th Annual Food Marketing Institute Energy & Technical Services Conference. They listened to more than a dozen talks on the latest trends in equipment, installation, and servicing as well as news concerning refrigerants and regulations.
The Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) has "moved on waves" of industry hot topics over the years. The latest involves technician certification in a wide range of HVACR topics.
If you are wondering what's on the minds of commercial refrigeration manufacturers and what their latest products look like, the National Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM) Show, held every other year, is a good place to investigate.
If students were able to work at their own pace, then you could be teaching at different levels. That's the challenge faced daily by Mark Peila, at Bates Technical College in Tacoma, Wash. His expertise in such matters earned him Honorable Mention honors in the Best Instructor competition.
This column is being written at about the midway point of my annual fall refrigeration romp in which a lot of events related to the "R" of HVACR take place. Here are some general impressions.
Of key importance to the workforce of the future is gaining a deeper understanding of proper techniques and continuing to keep up with changes in the industry. Both of those aspects of learning are the reason for the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES).
Anytime I think the HVACR industry is only what happens in the United States, I just need to read through some of the publications I get from beyond U.S. borders.
In addition to offering products at good prices, the new Wal-Mart Supercenter in McKinney, Texas, is being called a state-of-the-art campus with more than two-dozen new, environmentally correct, and energy-efficient experimental technologies, including a number in the HVACR systems.
It's tempting for many technicians to try and repair or replace components in a condensing unit instead of replacing the unit. But there may be times when it is easier and, in the long run, more economical just to replace the entire unit.