A popular metering device used on many fractional horsepower refrigeration systems is the cap tube. But one field problem encountered with this type of metering device is that it can become plugged with system debris, causing a restriction.
Technicians need to work smarter, not harder. One major difference between an inexperienced tech and an experienced one is that the experienced tech works smarter. Here are some ways a technician can work smarter and become more efficient.
There are many different types of refrigerant used in our industry today. They are produced by several different manufacturers and have numerous ways of identification. One proper method of identification is referring to a refrigerant by its ANSI/ASHRAE designation.
Evacuating a refrigeration system can be a very time-consuming task. There are several factors that influence the speed of this process. A technician has no control over many of these factors, but there are some areas in which he can help speed up the process.
One type of starting relay used on fractional horsepower compressors is the positive temperature coefficient (PTC) relay. It performs the same function as a current relay or potential relay but in a much different manner.
During the normal course of servicing and installing refrigeration systems, there are times when a technician will need to wait before proceeding to the next task. These downtimes do not need to be wasted time.
Repairing refrigeration and air conditioning systems is not always an easy task. Occasionally technicians will encounter multiple problems on one system. If all of these problems are not initially discovered and resolved, the unresolved ones could lead to problems and more costly repairs.
Our industry has many different types of specialized refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Servicing and maintaining these systems normally requires a higher level of expertise than generic systems. Depending on the application, these systems can operate quite differently from generic systems.
To prevent miswiring, any
time you need to replace an electrical component, draw a picture of the
wiring connected to the component. Draw the picture so each of the individual
wires are identified and shown exactly how they are landed on the component.