David Richardson serves the HVAC industry as Vice President of Training for National Comfort Institute, Inc. (NCI). NCI specializes in training focused on improving, measuring, and verifying HVAC and Building Performance. If you’re an HVAC contractor or technician interested in learning more about building science applied to HVAC, contact David at ncilink.com/ContactMe.
It’s our job to control different combustion gases to prevent them from causing harm. Likewise, we also must focus on recognizing and improving the parts of our personality that may make us toxic to others.
Bowling is a game that provides instant feedback. Testing the airside of an HVAC system has some interesting similarities. Let’s look a little deeper at some lessons bowling can teach us about airside testing.
Combustion issues can be a service technician’s most challenging and intimidating problem to diagnose. Let’s look at seven key skills they frequently use to solve combustion problems.
Every industry has its problems and the HVAC business is no different. Let’s look at how our industry got into the mess of great equipment installed on not-so-great duct systems and one way you can prevent it.
Sometimes HVAC installations don’t deliver the intended results. Is it possible they’re missing ingredients, using a faulty recipe, or a combination of both?
Implementing company-wide static pressure measurements can be tough. Let’s look at how you can use red flags to improve your static pressure measurement consistency and reduce callbacks.
We rarely buy anything without getting a receipt, except in HVAC. Your customers need to know there is a way for them to receive proof that what they paid for is what you delivered.