As a leader, you probably spend your work time dealing with problems and your downtime dreading them. But there’s another way to look at problems (and it can actually be a benefit to you).
When you think of a race, most people think of trying to win. But there have been times when my HVACR competitors wanted to challenge me to a race, and it was a race I did not want to win; in fact, I’d go out of my way to avoid participating.
As we start a new year, there’s one question every HVACR owner and manager needs to ask themselves: “How can I make this year even better than the last?”
Every HVACR company wants a stronger team — a tight-knit culture of high-performing A-players who can show up at a customer’s house and confidently handle any situation. You probably want that for your company too, but some business owners feel like their payroll budget doesn’t allow them to hire the top guns. That’s a shame because that’s wrong thinking. Here’s the secret that most HVACR business owners don’t realize: you can mold a team of superstars out of employees who don’t appear to be A-players today. It starts with training.
If you want your employees to step up and deliver the best service to your customers, it’s time to make sure that you and your employees are on the same team — that everyone is aligned and “pulling in the same direction.”
Managing employees is tough. Sometimes it feels like it would be easier to herd feral cats, right? Sure, that’s not always the case, but there are probably days when it feels like your employees require way more work to manage than they actually produce.