If you’ve not been devoting a great deal of time and effort to ensure your service department is operating efficiently, profitably, and producing customer cheerleaders, you’re not preparing yourself or employees for solid futures. Make sure every policy and process in all your departments is specifically designed to produce high-quality experiences and the utmost in efficiency to keep your prices as low as possible.
If we are not trying to do our jobs to the best of our ability at all times, then exactly what are we doing? If you do have established goals in your company or goals that are set before you, are you actually trying as hard as you can to reach those goals and then sitting back and coasting for the rest of the month? Personally, I don’t see this as an option.
We are all doing our parts working toward a mutual goal of company success. While a pleasant and relaxed family atmosphere is of the utmost importance here, we do our best to keep a healthy balance in terms of coworker relationships.
Our success has come from finding and training good quality people and then setting them out on a path of personal success. In as few words as possible, my advice is to simply let it go!
Are you still questioning the need for reviews in your company? I hope not. Everyone in your company deserves to know and understand the direction the company is headed and their role in the company’s future.
The reality is, we spend a great deal of time at work; the people we deal with and the relationships that result are ultimately what keep us coming back every day. I know there are a few computer geeks out there who might disagree, but, to me, our relationships with others are paramount.
When a promise is made, the path starts out and you have a choice. Is your customer going to wander down the desperately hoped-for path of relaxation and ease, or are they headed for a white-knuckle roller coaster ride?
You’ve heard the saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Well, I say, “Even if you do know what road to be on; if you’re standing still, you’re going to get run over.”