The draw of the event is split equally between the educational value of the speakers and the opportunity to network with other women in the HVACR field.
When the HVAC industry expressed a need to reduce the time necessary to balance a system, Dwyer Instruments Inc. responded with the PredictAir™ Application Software (used with the Dwyer SMART Air Hood® Balancing Instrument) — the 2017 gold award-winning product in the Contractor Services and Software Category.
During his campaign, Trump made it clear that his intentions were to reduce regulations and withdraw from the Paris agreement. His decision to withdraw is typical politics — either you agree, you disagree, or you agree to disagree.
I attended my fair share of trade shows, conferences, and seminars during my seven years in hospitality. And, I’ll admit, I did not go into my first one with open arms. I thought it was stupid and a waste of money, until I got there, that is. I was impressed and happy to admit I was wrong. But, all my trade show, conference, and seminar experience combined is nothing compared to the AHR Expo.
North American Technician Excellence (NATE) is trending in the industry right now, and it has been well before “trending” was even a thing. It serves as a sense of reliability to homeowners, a symbol of professionalism to employers, a mark of confidence to manufacturers, and a source of pride to technicians. So, no matter what your role in the industry is, there are countless reasons to #celebratewithNATE.
The seminar, sponsored by Women in HVACR and hosted by David Squires, owner of Online-Access Inc. and Mike Layton, owner of Stochastic Marketing LLC, offered seeds of information for HVAC contractors to bring home, plant, and create the most fruitful marketing garden to grow their business from.
Success is hard to define — it’s the chameleon of words, always taking on a new definition depending on the situation. Because it’s constantly changing what it looks like, success may seem nearly impossible to recognize, let alone achieve.