A vast majority of survey respondents, 92%, ranked contractor reputation extremely important or very important, and HVAC contracting experts agreed that reputation is crucial.
Chief technology officer Patrick Forsythe said Copeland has released more than 100 products and solutions since it was spun off from Emerson as a completely separate company.
Taco also showcased its "Frankentank" — nicknamed for its resemblance to Dr. Frankenstein's monster of the Mary Shelley novel and countless movies — this one with a cutaway that offered a peek at the interior.
Conversations with several HVACR distribution professionals indicate a cautious optimism for growth in the sector in 2025, though they say the year will not be without its challenges.
With interest rates coming down, less political uncertainty, and trillions in capital on the sidelines, M&A activity should pick up this year, according to one expert.
The subjects ranged from A2L to inflation to the impact the pandemic may have had on customer relationships as Distribution Trends talked to executives at five of the country’s biggest HVACR distributors.
Eight manufacturers are putting what they learned during the Residential Cold Climate Heat Pump Technology Challenge into new heat pumps, and two companies already have new models on the market.