Groups like NADCA have done a lot to boost the professional image of companies that perform duct cleaning, but the industry is still rife with dishonest contractors who prey on homeowners.
If you’re like most contractors, you have a desktop computer at your office, a laptop or tablet that you carry to jobsites and a smartphone that goes everywhere with you.
When you decide it’s time to part with your collection of say, baseball cards, it’s usually not too difficult to find a buyer.
If the collection is any good, dealers will often buy the whole thing, knowing that they’ll be able to make much more selling it off card by card. Or you can place an ad in a collector magazine or try online auction sites such as eBay.
If anyone at Alan Beaulieu’s presentations to HARDI members at its convention was hoping to hear that the election of a new president will goose the economy, they were likely disappointed.
If you looked at the cover of this month’s issue, then you know it’s time for the AHR Expo, the annual trade show where everything that has to do with the HVAC market is on display.