Chris Roman, an energy industry professional at Conservant Systems, discusses the importance of keeping relative humidity in range and how air handlers help indoor air quality.
The revised standard provides contractors, designers, and other industry professionals with all the information needed to install and inspect fire, smoke, and radiation dampers.
Reid, who has spent 45 years in the HVAC industry, is dedicated to spreading awareness on best practices within the industry. That's what makes him a SNIPS Sheet Metal Industry Icon.
Bob Reid is on a mission. He wants to unify HVAC professionals across the country to ultimately be on the same page about best practices and energy efficiency.
Two representatives from Stromberg Metal Works, Inc., located in Beltsville, Maryland, break down simple ways to achieve energy efficiency in your sheet metal shop.
Turning off idle machinery and securing savings for more energy efficient machinery through your local utility can make a significant difference in your energy bill.
Sheet Metal Werks, a full-service fabrication shop located in Arlington Heights, Illinois, constructed this pure copper project — and the work has garnered tons of attention online.
Kevin Ryan, the president of Sheet Metal Werks in Arlington Heights, Illinois, knew his company's recent project was eye-catching, but he had no idea it would generate so much buzz on LinkedIn.