As major consumers of energy and water, data centers face increasing scrutiny to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Are you sharing statistics about the promising career of HVAC engineering? Or are you sharing stories about the projects and solutions you’ve been lucky enough to be a part of? The way you design your story and how you choose to share it can either leave people bored or inspired — you choose.
If we're designing for changes in conditions, like occupancy, use, public safety, etc., are we also accounting for the possible changes in temperature, weather patterns, and natural disasters — not the historical or average but the undocumented, yet to come?
The built environment is not made up of the latest and greatest equipment that we see at tradeshows and greenfield construction sites. We're still using the old technologies, so can't we find some way to make them better?
One thing is for certain: Across the U.S., you’d be hard-pressed to find a building — residential or commercial — that’s without some sort of HVAC system.