If what I heard from HVAC contractors is true, then sending techs and installers into hot attics makes a lot of good business sense, in spite of the inherent health problems associated with hot attics. Before you jump on me for sounding a little harsh, let me explain.
I put out a post at the Service Roundtable recently to find out if contractors took precautions when sending their people into hot summertime attics or if they simply used discretion in accepting jobs that involved working in hot attics.
The responses I got were predictable: working in hot attics is part of the job. And if contractors didn’t want to take on that work, especially if the units being serviced or replaced were in uncomfortable and cramped quarters, there would be plenty of contractors who would line up for the work.
It makes sense to me.
As long as HVAC contractors ensure the safety of their workers by providing lots of liquids, cool-down vests, possibly fans and coolers, and limiting time spent in attics to short intervals or during cooler morning/evening hours, I say go for it.
Nowadays, it is hard to imagine turning down work because the working conditions are challenging. Heck, this is the HVAC business, where there are very few ideal working conditions. It’s part of the job. If you don’t think so, I’ve got some cheese for your whine - and a list of contractors who would be happy to service your customers.
By the way, how do you keep your techs and installers cool?