People dream about a lot of things and I am no exception. The
topics range from the bizarre to the very real-like. Lately I have experienced
a flurry of dreams and fortunately, most have been fairly normal. Until last
Yes, this is an HVACR-related topic. The dream I had last
night involved building retro-commissioning. Sounds like I lead an exciting
dream life doesn’t it? I bet very few of you dream about building
retro-commissioning. But the more I thought about it, the more the dream made
sense and could be an omen.
In a nutshell, retro-commissioning basically involves a
reevaluation of an existing building’s energy-using systems and implementing a
plan to improve energy efficiency. It is kind of like a “tune-up” of the
building’s mechanical system to achieve maximum energy efficiency and lessen
the carbon footprint.
So here I was in a remote location. I think it was somewhere
in South Dakota (no offense to my friends in that great state). I was visiting
someone on business and touring his building. A contractor, who somehow popped
up in my dream, wanted me to leave and visit some other facilities but I
balked, saying, “I think this building needs a retro-commissioning.” Yes I
actually dreamt that.
I woke up soon afterward so I never found out if I actually
became a “retro-commissioner” or not. However, it seems like a pretty good job
to study up for once I leave the media profession (if I ever do). There are
probably a good number of HVACR professionals making a nice living in the
retro-commissioning field, so why not me?
Now that I am awake and enjoying that first cup of coffee, I
can daydream a bit. Being a retro-commissioner sounds like a fun job. Maybe in
my next dream I’ll land that dream job: NFL commissioner.