AtThe NEWS, we are always searching for news stories. We depend upon you to tell us what you believe to be a good issue to cover, a contracting business to write about, or an event on which to report. We are always happy to hear from you.
While the best way to reach any editor is by e-mail, we realize that not all have access to the Internet or are e-mail savvy. It’s why we introduce our new hotline number: 618-239-0288.
Now, instead of trying to get online and pecking ever-so-slowly on the keyboard, one can pick up the phone and call this number. It will be available 24/7. Just leave your messages accordingly. We just ask you to speak clearly, plus provide us your full name and a contact number - be it a phone number or e-mail address - so we can reach you if we need to follow up on your call.
It doesn’t get any easier than this, does it?
Now, we still ask those who have a new product to send us a release accordingly to
At the same time, if you have an item for possible inclusion in Newsline or FYI, please continue forwarding that information directly to editor Angela Harris (
Items for Calendar are still to be e-mailed to editor Cherie Preville (, and send items for Training Track to
Bottom line: We love hearing from you. The hotline number is now another way to reach us.