When you were in school, were you the class clown in the
back row or the kiss-up in the front row? Or someone more average (like me)
sitting in the middle?
No matter where you sat, there had to be at least one
instructor along the way who made you sit up and pay attention. Now it’s time
to give credit where it’s due - to the instructor who made a difference in your
life by teaching you more than anyone else about the HVACR field.
The NEWS is currently
accepting nominations for our annual Best Instructor contest, and we’ve made it
easy for you to nominate your instructor. All you have to do is fill out an online
form and tell us in 100 words or less why your instructor deserves to win.
On June 14, we will close the contest and begin to review
the nominations, so you have just a little more time to get your bid in for the
nation’s Best HVACR Instructor.
Think of it as one last homework assignment in honor of your
favorite teacher, clickhttp://www.achrnews.com/CDA/HTML/BNP_GUID_9-5-2006_A_10000000000000074504