HVACR Heats Up on the Hill
In my last blog I commented that it feels like the current
Congress is going into overdrive. The House and the Senate have had a lot on
their legislative plate, but they seem to keep gobbling up everything that
comes their way.
Even more intriguing is that more and more of the legislation Congress is considering could impact the HVACR industry. According to Charlie McCrudden, vice president of government relations for the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), the industry is undergoing a higher level of government scrutiny than ever before - and it’s due to the increasing emphasis on energy efficiency.
I recently managed to catch McCrudden on the phone, and he said, “I’ve never had a two-month period like I’ve just gone through. The pace of what’s going on in Washington is really changing.”
What do you think about the HVACR industry being in the spotlight on the Hill? Will the Congressional focus on energy efficiency positively or negatively impact your business?
Even more intriguing is that more and more of the legislation Congress is considering could impact the HVACR industry. According to Charlie McCrudden, vice president of government relations for the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), the industry is undergoing a higher level of government scrutiny than ever before - and it’s due to the increasing emphasis on energy efficiency.
I recently managed to catch McCrudden on the phone, and he said, “I’ve never had a two-month period like I’ve just gone through. The pace of what’s going on in Washington is really changing.”
What do you think about the HVACR industry being in the spotlight on the Hill? Will the Congressional focus on energy efficiency positively or negatively impact your business?