A notable building scientist, Joseph Lstiburek, (perhaps even
more notable for his annual bash) challenges some popular beliefs about the
green movement.
At the next Environmental Energy Technologies Division
Distinguished Lecture (October 1) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Lstiburek will present a lecture entitled, “Don't Do Stupid Things - Green
Architecture, Engineering and Construction.”
According to Lstiburek, “A great deal of green architecture does
not work and the failures are not discussed because failures dealing with green
don't fit into the environmentalist template of green being easy and
cost-effective. The failures typically involve basic physics, engineering and
construction practice - areas that the architectural profession has abandoned.
Architects are trained as artists - not in the technology of construction. So
the engineering profession has the answers? Wrong. Engineers are trained as
computer programmers if they trained at all. Where do you go to get an
engineering degree dealing with the building enclosure and HVAC systems?
Nowhere in the United States.
The blind are consulting with the inept. As for government policy? Cash for
Caulkers? Home Star? What a mess.”
So, if you want to hear what Lstiburkek would do to correct the
problem, you might want to tune check this out:http://eetd.lbl.gov/dls/lecture-10-01-10-lstiburek.html