There’s a lot of talk about energy efficiency in the HVAC
industry, but not as much talk about energy sources. Perhaps that’s because
this is the business of using energy to achieve comfort, and it’s easier to
leave the worrying about the source of that energy to someone else.
I recently had the opportunity to make a 3,500-mile
roundtrip drive to Idaho from Detroit. We drove across Michigan and a small corner of Indiana,
and then all the way through Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming. (We also swung
down to Utah
and got in one good day of skiing while we were out West.)
Although I’ve made this trek many times before, it had been
at least eight years since I’d gone by car. Along the way, I noticed a lot more
wind turbines than I ever remembered seeing before.
In the Midwest, there
aren’t any wind turbines visible along I-80. The terrain is mostly flat, and
(luckily for us) the weather was calm. But as soon as we entered Wyoming, I started
seeing huge sections of land covered by the tall, sleek white turbines. And I
started to feel the wind’s pressure on the van, which was made a little less
stable by a large car-top carrier. There were even a few flashing signs along
the way, warning us to lower our speed due to the high winds.
When you’re in Wyoming
being whipped around by the wind, it makes sense to try to harness and use that
power. So sometimes when I hear predictions about how alternative energy will
save us in the future, I think about Wyoming.
But the other thing I think about is how far away Wyoming is from most of the United States’ population. Wyoming, in fact, has the smallest population of the 50
states, and, in fact, less people than Washington,
D.C. It’s hard for me to imagine
how Wyoming’s
wind could ever be harnessed, stored, and transported all the way to the places
most in need of energy.