I am not going to lie to my three readers: I can’t get enough of this Republican primary. Also, as the year progresses, I will not be able to get enough of the general election. I like to mock and get frustrated by both parties as I fancy myself a Libertarian. But in truth, I will end up pulling the lever for either President Obama or the Republican challenger.
While watching the coverage, I recently heard an interesting perspective that is anything but new. In 1980, Ronald Reagan defeated incumbent Jimmy Carter largely by asking the American public if they were better off than they were four years ago. Of course, most were not. Unemployment and inflation were skyrocketing up, and Americans were ready for a change.
So as I was watching one of the talking heads on one of the cable news stations recently, he brought up that same question that Reagan did over 30 years ago. Are you better off than you were four years ago? He had his biased opinion, of course, but I want to ask our readers.
Think back to 2008. Where was your business, where were your profits, and what were you hearing from your customers? Are you better off than you were four years ago or not? I am really interested to find out.