Right now every elementary school child is counting down the days until Halloween, which to them means costumes, parties, trick-or-treating, and the mound of candy they’ll amass by the end of the month.
You probably remember how fun everything related to Halloween was for you when you were that age, and for your school-age children, too.
Your contracting company can get in the spirit this Halloween and help make memories for the current generation of children in your community. Try passing out treats at your place of business and/or at a trunk-or-treat event — the way in which trick-or-treating is often done these days. Another way is to host or assist with a party for all children in the community or one for underprivileged or disabled children.
These ideas might not make your company a profit, but not everything in life has to be about the bottom line. The activities are bound to give you and your employees who participate a good feeling for doing so. Even better, they will make memories for the children, which could last a lifetime.