Is Anybody Actually Hiring out There in the Industry?

[Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the Best Contractor to Work For articles, Jan. 29.]

Everywhere there are HVAC employers who complain or state that they are unable to find qualified employees. I have a friend who is excited about a career in HVAC. He has accomplished all of the right things for employment (service, installation, apprenticeship, schooling, computer skills, etc.).

Additionally, he has a four-year B.S. degree in HVAC/R Engineering Technology from Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich. Still he has been unable to find employment. He has come to the conclusion that “he is too young and inexperienced.” No one has offered an interview or answered the mail. Items to reflect on:

• If a company treats potential employees poorly, how do they treat their existing employees?

• When a company solicits new employees, associated mail needs to be answered, telephone calls responded to.

• If you wish to attract high-quality employees, all candidates must be treated with respect.

• Promises need to be kept. Don’t promise candidates something that you don’t intend to fulfill just to get rid of them.

• Every potential employee doesn’t get the job, but they will always remember how they were treated.

Is there anyone out there who needs experienced HVAC employees?

Michael G. Paradis
Sterling Heights, Mich.

Let's Uproot the Bad Seeds

I agree with John R. Hall [“The HVAC Trade Needs to Get Mad Over This,” Jan. 29] that WDIV is shameful for misrepresentation. However, as a 30-year veteran of the trade, I see very little being done within the industry to get rid of the bad seeds when they show up. I don’t understand why we allow these misfits to get away with their antics to create the atmosphere where news stories like this are taken as gospel.

Shouldn’t we be asking ourselves why our wholesalers, licensing boards, and even competitors do nothing but stand by and watch as little old ladies are bilked of their savings? Let’s look in the mirror and see what we can do to clean up our industry.

Phil Jensen, Coffman Co.
Denver, Colo.

Career Success Stems From Ranken

I really enjoyed Mark Skaer’s article on Brad Bartz at Ranken [“Following Brad Bartz,” Jan. 29]. He reminded me a little of myself as I’m a 1977 Ranken graduate in HVACR.

After graduating from Ranken, I spent a short period of time doing heating and a/c service until I landed a job at Johnson Controls. I moved on from there to the energy management department of the May Department Stores Co.

I obtained a B.S. in Industrial Technology while working at May and got two years of credit for my time at Ranken.

Being a manager at May I hired many Ranken graduates for a number of positions, from CAD operators to field service technicians. I retired from May. At that time I was 50 years old with over 28 years’ of experience under my belt - too young to retire. I am now happily employed with Emerson Climate Technologies Flow Controls Division starting a new career.

I attribute all of my success to the well-rounded education I received at Ranken and feel it was the best career choice of my life.

Good luck to Brad. I’m sure he’ll do fine as he is well-motivated and has the right attitude.

Paul Mueller, the instructor in the photo, taught me electrical controls at Ranken, and I still remember how to wire a potential relay.

Good job and I look forward to the future articles on Brad.

John Haug
Senior Application Engineer
Emerson Climate Technologies
Maryland Heights, Mo.

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Publication date:03/19/2007