It's the Details That Make the Difference

I just finished reading the June 9 issue and wanted to comment on the article, “The Perfect Service Call.” This is one of the best articles I’ve ever read on customer service.

Eric Knaak has it right. (I wish I could be his customer - too bad he’s in New York.) It’s the little details that bring the service level up to excellence - from getting out of the truck “within 30 seconds” (much clearer than “get out of the truck right away”) to giving the customer a business card upon arrival and stepping back to allow the customer a moment to process who’s at the door, to leaving the pen after making out the paperwork.

If everyone who did service work learned these concepts and if every employer understood the value of their workers taking those few extra moments to show the client how important they are, there would be happy clients everywhere. So often the techs who visit homes are interested only in the big picture: get in, do the work, and leave. Very few clean up after themselves. They are often pressured by bosses who want more production out of a day. A few extra moments paying attention to details makes all the difference.

Thank you, Barb Checket-Hanks, for this article. I hope that employers everywhere read it and take it to heart.

Linda Taylor
PayneSpencer LLC
Tacoma, Wash.

Name From the Past

[Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the recent column “Murphy’s Law: Who’s in Your Fave Five?” June 16.]

Mike Murphy brought up a name I have not heard in many years: “Doc” Rusk. When I was in my early years in the business, I went to one of his seminars and I was blown away with some of his ideas.

What a great man. Wow!

Keep up the great job!

Bob Weber
Regional Sales Manager - Texas & Louisiana
Goodman Manufacturing Co. LP

Fave Fives Have Called Kentucky Home

It was with much ironic amusement that I found a common link among Mike Murphy’s Successful Fave Five in the recent column “Murphy’s Law: Who’s in Your Fave Five?” [June 16].

Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville, Ky. Henry Clay represented Kentucky in both the House of Representatives and Senate. He considered Kentucky his home state (though he was born in Kentucky’s eastern neighbor Virginia) and is buried in Lexington, Ky. John Y. Brown was born in Lexington. Abraham Lincoln was born in Hodgenville, Ky. Johnny Depp was born in Owensboro, Ky.

Being a native Kentuckian (now living in West Virginia) my heart swelled with pride that I saw you held some other Kentuckians in such high esteem. I’m not sure about the birthplaces or history of Murphy’s HVAC Fave Five, but wouldn’t it be ironic as well if there were another similar common thread?

Richard Eichberger
Project Manager
Johnson Controls Inc.
Scott Depot, W.V.

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Publication date:08/18/2008