Show a Permit to End Moonlighting

I read Herb Woerpel's article [“Unlicensed Activity Threatens Credible Contractors,” April 23] in The NEWS and want to suggest a solution to stop a lot of the moonlighting. I suggest that the contractors be required to present a copy of the permit to the supplier in order to purchase equipment, and in turn the supplier send a copy back to the city where the permit originated. This would not only stop moonlighting, but would do more than anything else for efficiency, since approximately 90 percent (I have heard) of replacement equipment is installed without permits. This would also provide the benefit of increased revenues for the cities and counties.

I have suggested this before but have never received a reply. Other solutions I read about are complex programs that require major expenses and more regulations.

James E. Moore
J E Moore Air Conditioning Inc.
Pleasanton, Calif.

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Publication date: 05/21/2012